It had returned. Against all odds, the
beast was once again on the prowl and this time it had entered the main encampment! The women and children were afraid for their lives and the old men knew there would be trouble, but the warrior was unshaken.
Knowing the nature of the
beast and its very predictable patterns of behavior, the warrior made his plan to rid the tribe of the
beast once and for all! With the ladies and children safely well out of reach of the frightful
beast, the warrior put his plan of attack into action. In methodical confidence he set his trap and began the waiting game - the wicked
beast is definitely a crafty foe and patience was the key to luring it into his snare.
The plan? Simple.
Kill the beast!
As a diversion, the warrior takes his lady on a long journey ensuring both her safety and a sense of security to well up within the
beast - it can surely sense the mighty warriors presence and would never come near the encampment with him still within its walls. The warrior and his lady take advantage of the journey, enjoying fellowship with tribal members living in faraway lands and they enjoy a fantastic feast of fatted bull and other spoils of the land. The time spent together is sweet, somewhat surreal, especially in light of the snare waiting to spring on the unsuspecting
As the
beast enters the encampment, with all of the occupants in safety, he unsuspectingly takes the bait and falls for the mighty warriors trap! In the blink of an eye the vicious
beast can only see a brief flash of steel pass over its head. There is absolutely no time to react and the
beast knows he has lost the epic battle for survival and then, everything goes black as life passes from his being in one last, slow exhale of breath.
With confidence in the snare he had set before their departure, the warrior returns with his lady, proudly allowing her the honor of finding the
beast - that fearful pestilence that simply would not rest until it had struck its fear into the encampment.
As she peeks into the drawer where the trap had been laid, my lady, Dawn found the mouse in the trap, just as I, the mighty warrior, had planned! Ha! That little rascal will not bother my lady again!
I am sorry that I couldn't post a picture of the
mouse beast, but I thought that would simply be over the top and too much for the young to view, it might even bring about nightmares. No instead, I will simply sign off with a mothers day wish for all who may read this entry...

Mothers, you are truly a gift from God above. Your depth of love and care for your children is never really understood by them; seldom appreciated for the work that you do and yet, you continue to shower them with blessings. You always want the best for them and fret over their welfare. You worry more about them than anything else in your life because they mean everything to you.
Only a mother can understand what it truly feels like to bring that little life into the bright world filled with promise and hope. But in the flash of a moment, time passes and the mother must let her child leave the safety of her home and fly off into a world which now seems full of danger and trouble. She is only left with a prayer. A very deep heartfelt prayer - and she waits.
The answer she longs for finally comes, "Fear not, for I am with you always. Trust in me." And so, she lets go and watches her precious one
fly; she is flooded with emotions untold.
Thank you, mothers, for your continued prayers. Without them, we could never survive!