Sunday, May 31, 2009


Approximately 100 bikes [and riders] showed up for the annual Blessing Of The Bikes at our church today. We see a great collection roll in every year and this year was no exception, from normal trikes to the Can-Am trike (with two front wheels and one rear), Harleys to Kaws [pronounced "cows"], and everything in between. There were scooters and enduros, new and old - well, you get the idea. The one thing we all had in common was an interest to have our bikes blessed for the upcoming riding season, praying for safety throughout the season and an opportunity to appreciate all of God's great creation that surrounds us.

Since Dawn and I are down to six days before blasting into the Great Adventure, it was even more meaningful to us [of course, we wouldn't miss it even if we weren't leaving this weekend!]. Over the years we have seen rain, sleet and snow at these events but once in a while, we actually have really nice weather. This year was windy and cold so as you can see in the pictures, leather was the fashion for the day.

After lunch, which was provided, we had some heartfelt words and a brief moment of silence for Ron Nickerson, a member of a local Gold Wing riders club who recently unexpectedly passed away in his sleep. There was prayer for all who were there, then prayers over each of the bikes and riders.

After a brief time of fellowship, some of us hit the road for a ride to Ashtabula, Ohio, were we stopped in at the E-comm Cafe for some great coffee and fellowship. Then, on our way home we stopped to see the longest covered bridge in the U.S. [and it is the second longest covered bridge in the world!], the new Smolen-Gulf Bridge, located in Ashtabula, Ohio on Highway 25.

This turned out to be another blessed weekend as we once again got to see a lot of friends and family. Will was able to come in for the weekend and spend some more time with Jackie. It has been a real pleasure getting to know him and watch the two of them foster a relationship. Jackie was doubly blessed because she got to show him her new car (a 2001 Ford Escort, ZX2), which I continue to correct her by pointing out that my name is on the title. Haha Jackie, sorry, but it is true! She is psyched because it is red and has a sunroof! That makes it a good car, you know!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Ready... Set...

Everything was finally packed in the motor home and we were ready to go! The butterflies were out in full force - not flying around in the air, rather dancing in our stomachs because we had planned and waited for this day to come for a very long time! Six of us in a motor home traveling cross country for five weeks. Close quarters, for sure, but very doable.

We had the route carefully planned and the major points of interest that were a must to see- the kids had even given some of their input as well - and we were finally ready to pull out of the driveway. Dawn's parents, Mary and Mel, Dawn and I, and Adam and Jackie. That's right, all of us in a 31' Winnebago Adventurer motor home! We would share the expenses of the trip and make some awesome memories together - this is going to be a blast!

As we pull out of town on Rt. 6 and cross into Ohio, Mary decides that she needs to use the toilet - yes, while we were rolling down the road! Who knows what she's thinking - we just left the house, not even five minutes ago! A few minutes pass and Mel brings the big rig to a stop at an intersection, looks both ways, and seeing that all is clear, he guns it.


We are all startled by the loud sound and groans from the bathroom, and we quickly yell, "Mom, are you alright in there?" [More groaning...]

We rush back to see what had happened and ensure she is okay, only to find that when Dad stopped, Mom thought it was a good time to stand up, and just as he gunned it, she flopped into the bathtub! What a way to start the trip!

Jackie ended up with bubbles in her eyes at our first stop in Michigan and later in the Grand Canyon, accidentally dropped a can of pop from the refrigerator that got punctured on the way to the floor on a grate, creating a spinning little mini-geyser right there in the motor home which tripped one of the gas sensors and shut down the entire motor home electrical system!

Adam had to tolerate his sister's constant babbling and invasion of his space [he always was a really good big brother!]. He also got a lot of mileage out of the Asian family we heard practicing their English in Yellowstone National Park, "Bi-shawn! Buffalo. Buffalobuffalobuffalo!"

Of course, there was the snow that we woke up to in Yellowstone [in July!] and the fender-bender at the Grand Canyon, and tons and tons and tons of fun! Waking every day to spend all day as a family with no outside responsibilities or phone calls [no cell phone then!] or jobs to get done! Only new sights and experiences to enjoy; true wonders to behold! A bit overstated? NO WAY!

Some people think that you can stay home and look at pictures or watch documentaries and see a place, because after all, "you are just looking at a bunch of mountains and trees with water sprinkled around here and there." But you can never experience the same sense of awe that you get when standing at the base of the Rockies or at the base of a giant sequoia tree feeling rather insignificant and realizing that there are things in this world much bigger than we are! The thought that it all happened by chance is simply absurd.

That trip was many years ago and it still remains one of my best memories - perhaps my all-time favorite vacation. [And that is not overstated] It was fantastic!

Mary was a bit unsteady on her feet back then and we came to find out soon after that vacation that she not only had COPD [a degenerative lung disease] to deal with, but she was also diagnosed with PSP [a degenerative form of palsy]. She is not doing so well these days but she and Mel are encouraging us to go and make those memories that only time spent away from the craziness of daily life and time spent with each other can foster.

Now, perhaps I should be worried because as Dawn got onto the motorcycle today as we were leaving on an errand, she caught her toe on the saddle and stumbled a bit... hmmm... I hope there is no soda pop geyser or fender bender in store for us!

And so, today the magic number is 8; which happens to be spelled V-E-R-Y-S-O-O-N!

[This is Mary and Mel at their 50th Anniversary, still in love!]

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Single digits, baby! I said eleven yesterday, but in the recount it is actually only NINE! 'Cause you can't count the day we leave, can you? Sounds sww-weeeet! Nine days til we launch into the Great Adventure!

Dawn is feeling like she should be packing because that is what we always do the week before a big trip - fill the camper with food and clothes. Yesterday she said that next week at this time we will be packing our bags. Haha! Like, what's there to pack? She is so funny sometimes! It's a motorcycle, so we could through our stuff in our bags the night before, load the bike, and be on our way first thing Sunday morning. Wow, is that different!

You know what else is different? The price of gas! How is it that every year just before summer the prices begin to soar? Oh, believe me, I understand the fundamental principles of supply and demand, but it is ironic that the price of crude oil goes up one night and the price at the pump goes up the next day. There is no way that the cost of the crude effected the cost of the gas in the tank underground at the gas station the very next day!

The only good thing about it is that we are riding Black Beauty on this vacation and getting somewhere around 45 miles to the gallon and not our truck and camper combo which gets 10 mpg! Let's see, if we go 7000 miles getting 10 miles to the gallon, it would take 700 gallons. If gas is up to $3.00/gallon this summer, that would be $2100 just in gas! On the other hand, with Black Beauty going 7000 miles at 45 mpg = 155.55 gallons. $3.00 gas would then add up to $466.65, a fraction of the truck/camper cost! [Hope I didn't lose you with all that math!]

So, how do you spell excited? We spell it N-I-N-E

Don't forget to get in on our poll, we are curious to see what you think.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cast Your Vote

It seems that every time we tell someone about our Great Adventure, we get a different look. Some people seem to think we are off our rocker, while others think this is the trip of a lifetime! Some wonder how our butts could possibly hold up and others wonder if we will decide not to come home! Some worry and pray for our safety while others have great confidence that the Lord is going to bless our boots off!

So, we were wondering what you are thinking of the trip we have dubbed the Great Adventure. There is a poll in the right hand column of the site which you can cast your vote in, then open it up to see the results [at least I think you can open it to see the results - this is the first poll that I've tried]. You only have 6 days to answer, so don't wait.

Here we go... friends... grab that mouse and "start your polls!"

By the way, how do you spell eleven?!!! hahaha

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Fog

Speeding down the two lane, I plunge into fog so dense that my headlight cannot even begin to pierce it, and so it seems very wise to slow down until the fog lifts a bit. Of course, it would be more comforting if I could see the lines on the side of the road, but, that simply isn't happening right now. As I try to let off the throttle, it fails to respond so I force it back to the idle position. Still, no response. If anything, it seems that the engine is gaining speed. The clutch and kill switch have no effect either! I would reach for the key, but it seems more prudent to hang on with both hands and do my best to keep her on the road! After all, sooner or later I have to come out of this blasted fog!

Isn't that like life sometimes? So many things - you know, responsibilities and stuff - pile up and absorb so much of our attention that it becomes difficult to see through them to the road ahead. As we try to slow down, life simply seems to gain momentum and takes on incredible speeds of its own - even when we want to stop and get off of the bike, our hands seem glued to the grips and so we fly along at warp speed just hanging on and waiting to come out the other side.

That is what our life feels like right now - super-fast motion. We had a great weekend and packed so much into it that we can hardly recount all that we did - literally, we can hardly remember some of it! Crazy you might say. It was kind of like a weeks worth of stuff in three days.
Now don't get me wrong, we had a great time with family and friends; with the kids in the marching band and even with those we just met. We would never trade our time with the people we got to spend the weekend with, not for anything! But that doesn't change the fact that sometimes with all that piles up, it seems as though we are in the midst of a deep, thick fog with so much is packed into life. Trying to close down one school year while planning the next marching season, at the same time building the calendar for our school for the next 12 months while trying to get it to fit into the calendar for the county and state events and... Yes, sometimes I find myself in a fog.

On the other hand, in just 12 days we will begin the Great Adventure! If all goes as planned, it will be like riding out of the fog into peace and quiet. Perhaps we can find ourselves in a place like this mallard duck just swimming along enjoying the sunshine. Not really worried about a thing [except maybe a thought on who might throw him a piece of bread!]. Just for the record, Dawn and I do not plan on begging for bread along the way, don't you worry about that! But we do long for the peace that the open road will bring; for the quiet that the breeze will offer; for the majestic sights that we will explore; and for the new discoveries that await us as we get to spend an awesome five weeks together. [By the way, if you enlarge this picture, that is a huge fish in the lower right corner of the frame - a common sight at the Spillway in Linesville, PA, on Pymatuning Lake where the "ducks walk on the fish"!]

You know, I would reach out and shake your hand if I could see you through this stupid fog!

Did I mention, just 12 more days?!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

It Happened Again

The list of things to get done before the Great Adventure seems insurmountable and yet in the middle of the morning, a beautiful Saturday morning that holds great promise of ticking several things off of the "to do" list, Adam once again points out that it is a great day for a ride. Hmmm...

My mind flashes back to my childhood when I totally thought that my dad worked way too hard - he never stopped! Worked all day in a shop in Erie, Pa., then came home and started his second shift job which was running our small farm. It was really frustrating for him because it seemed that some piece of equipment broke right when you needed it most so he was constantly fixing something and behind because of it. Countless nights I went to bed and listened to him out working the vineyard or garden with the tractor or still banging on some piece of equipment in the barn/driveway, etc.

Then my mind fast forwarded [if that is really a word] to him telling me often over the past 20 years or so, "Don't do it like I did. Take time to spend with your kids and family because time won't wait for you - it goes faster than you think and before you know it, they are gone!"

Well, Dad, you will be glad to know that once again, I applied your instruction and when Adam asked me to go for a ride, these flashbacks along with many others took but a split second. "Sounds like a great idea to me, Adam!" I can tell there are many times that Adam sees me doing the same thing as my dad did - that is, work far more hours than he thinks I should. I see the same concern in Adam for me, as I had for my dad and it helps me slow down now and again to appreciate the really important things in life.

Besides, Dawn and I had already put in a full morning of "to do's" and the three of us were in the middle of cleaning vehicles (Adam's car and our bikes) [my bike? you might ask. Wasn't it just a couple blogs ago that I was cleaning it last? You should have seen the bugs the other night; on the way home after dark - it seemed that EVERY BUG IN THE COUNTY WAS DECIDING TO COMMIT SUICIDE INTO MY HEADLIGHT! Most of them missed the light but succeeded in covering my fairing and lowers! The CSI bug guy, Grissum, would have been in 7th heaven!] ...oh yes, cleaning the vehicles... so we got them all shiny, changed our clothes and went out for lunch and ice cream. Three hours later we got back home in plenty of time to sit and talk on the swing, finish the days chores and write this blog before greeting Jackie and Will. Not to bad, eh?

See, diversions aren't always counterproductive. In fact, diversions like we had today are great! Thanks again, Adam!

By the way, Father's Day came early last week - Dawn took me out to pick up a new pair of riding boots that are great. But let me tell you, we better hurry up and leave for this Great Adventure or we are going to go broke buying stuff for the trip!

Friday, May 22, 2009


When young children are afraid to be around me, and adults become very apologetic without cause, then I might have reached a point where my internal anger and frustration has become externally visible. Alright, I was pretty fired up! There was no mistaking it, when, after school, a student walked into my office, took one look at the menacing brute behind the desk [me], and immediately began to retreat trembling through the door. Of course, my assurances that it was not her or her friends that had me so frustrated, but rather "other issues," seemed to have little impact on her sense of impending doom.

You see, the insurance company of the young lady who totalled our car has been very slow to resolve the issue. For 21 days we have been trying to patiently work with them for an amicable solution and they are beginning to drive me crazy! I am a very patient guy, but was nearing the end of my rope! Thankfully, by the end of the day, one of the supervisors actually cared enough to verbally state that he wanted to make this right. I am hopeful.

Then came the venting to Dawn and Adam, the bubbly phone call from Jackie and the incessant bothersome licks from our dog, Bear. That was the beginning of a great evening.

And so, that is where friends and God's timing come in. We had invited several friends over for dinner far before running into all of this "stuff" and the timing of the evening was perfect. It had been far too long since we spent an evening laughing and telling stories, simply catching up. Great times with friends are incredibly therapeutic and laughter truly is wonderful medicine. Thanks for stopping in Rita, Tyler, Steve, Brenda, Tim, Katie, and Brandon [in order of appearance], you guys are great!

Things just might turn around. Regardless, one thing is for certain, all in God's good time. I believe that for all things, there is a purpose - we simply need to do our part, then allow it to unfold.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Shortest Posting Ever

So much for Christmas... WHAT A TOUGH DAY!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Almost Christmas!

This is going to kill me! Only two more days til Christmas but it seems like this day is going on forever! The teacher is still up there and her mouth is moving, but all I hear is a whole bunch of clicking sounds and, "wuhh wuhh, wuhh wuhh, wuhh wuhhhhh!" Actually, I am staring at the clock and the second hand must be broken because it is moving wayyyy to slow today. Twenty three after one...

When will it end?! Even recess seemed longer than usual and we even got to pick on Joann then play army man on the hill - you know... "BAMM!" "Ahhh, you got me!" [Dramatically fall to the ground and roll down the hill, all the way to the bottom. Get up and run to the top of the hill just to do it again!] The competition is on to see who can act like they were really shot. Yeh, it was a fun recess...

What time is it now... What?! Only twenty four after one! There must be something wrong with that clock!

"Mr. Peters, stop tapping on that desk!"

"Sorry, Mrs. Cook, I'll stop."

Hey, it sounds like someone is coming down the hall. Maybe they are going to feel sorry for all of us and let us out early. Yah, that is it, "Mercy for the prisoners!" "Have mercy on us, please!" "For goodness sake, it is two days before Christmas and it's...," what time is it now... twenty six minutes after one! Mercy! Please have mercy on the prisoners!

Who cares if we get out early? They certainly don't seem to care! After all, we are innocent of all charges, all of us! We don't deserve this life sentence that we are serving! Twenty seven minutes after one or thirty five after two... what is the difference? Mrs. Cook lives here under her desk anyhow, so what does she care if we are here or not? "Let us go!" "Let us go!" "Let us go!"

"Mr. Peters, if I have to tell you to quit tapping that pencil one more time, I will get my ruler out! Would you like that?"

"No ma'am. I'm sorry."

What time is it now?...

Then Christmas Eve came and, it too, seemed to absorb all of eternity. All day long seemed to drag on and on and on and on. Did I mention, on and on?! The party at Grandma and Grandpa's house during the evening was always fun - a boat load of kids running all over the house making more noise than I could probably stand hearing today really was a lot of fun. Looking back on it, I don't know how the adults could take the yelling and banging and running, but at that time, I didn't really care because no one was yelling at me - must have been the Christmas spirit and all.

Then Grandpa would read the entire Christmas story and we would sit around at his feet with only half our attention on him and the other half (or maybe more than half) on the presents under the tree... Hmmm, I wonder which one is mine. That giant one looks really cool! I wish I knew who had my name this year.

"And Mary wrapped him in swaddling clothes..." Swaddling clothes. Is that something that you go out swaddling around in? Maybe for playing in mud puddles or something? Naw. It must have something to do with the snow 'cause it's winter... I don't know - who cares!

"Grandpa, can we open the gifts now?!" Karen says.

So, one at a time Grandpa calls out the names on the gifts. We all scramble to be Santa's helpers and hand him the gifts, telling him the names on it because somehow that makes it go faster; but man! does he ever read those names slow! He acts like he can't read them so we have to tell him three or four times - maybe take your eye out and wipe it off or something if you are having that hard of a time seeing! [Okay, you need to know that Grandpa really did have a glass eye and he would pop it out right in front of us to clean it with his hanky. I think that was one of the ways he would try to freak us out and it usually worked!] If they gave me the job of handing out presents, I could have them all out to their rightful owners by now!

As the party winds to a close, it is time for midnight mass. Okay, if we have to we'll go. After all, that means we don't have to go to mass in the morning in the middle of playing with all that cool stuff Santa is going to bring! The mass is special. Somehow it is more magical, or mystical, or something; it does find a way into my spirit and warms my heart - that is, just before I fall asleep. I sort of wake up as Dad carries me to the car but it is too much like a dream to be sure. Next thing I know, we are at home and it is time for bed.

Like I can sleep now! I know that Santa came by now, I am sure of it! What time is it anyway?!

Well, that was then and this is now... Only eighteen days left before the Great Adventure and Dawn is starting to feel the excitement build like those last couple days before Christmas went for me. Honestly, she is feeling some anxiety due to the unknown elements of the trip and a great deal of excitement in anticipation of five weeks away from all of our daily responsibilities. Kind of like looking at all the presents under the tree. But, you see, Dawn is a planner and finds great comfort in knowing what each day is supposed to bring, comfort in knowing ahead of time how long we will be on the road any given day, comfort in knowing where we plan to sleep for the night, comfort... well, you get the idea. This trip is kind of like the wrapped presents under the tree! You can't tell what is inside the packages yet and you have to wait to open them to see!

So the plan of, "point the bike west and ride til we get too tired and decide to stop for the night," is a bit out of her comfort zone. Surprisingly, she is far more excited than she is anxious. What would inspire her to agree to go on a trip like this, you might ask? Well, I will have to expound on that in the future. For today, the short answer is love. That's right, eat your heart out - LOVE!

For some reason, we love to travel with each other and simply cannot get enough of it. Now, we will have to see if we still feel that way after the Great Adventure. Only time will tell, of course, but don't you worry, so will I - right here on this blog spot! I'll keep you posted! Kind of like a soap-opera, huh Ellen and Marsha?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Have We Met?

So... Dawn walks down to the church at the corner of our street to see what it is like and to see about enrolling the kids into the vacation bible school. We were determined that we were not going to join the first church we attended after moving to town - this time we would visit several churches before settling into one of them. You know, look for the right fit.

Sometimes our plans don't pan out like we think they will. As Dawn arrived they asked if she wanted to help teach one of the grade levels! When I came home from work that evening, she told me she would be helping teach in one of the classrooms for the week and I about fell over. They didn't even know her! What kind of church would do such a thing?!

As it turned out, everybody thought she was from one of the other churches in town and by the end of a wonderful week in vacation bible school with the kids, Dawn introduced me to several of the people she had met. It just felt like we had known them for a very long time. Well, we decided to go to the church service on Sunday morning and, well, so much for looking into several churches because we simply felt like we were "home". Did you ever have that feeling you have known someone for a very long time, and yet, you have just met? That was how it felt walking into our new church - well, it was new to us 17 years ago, that is.

Jackie experienced something like that recently, and in turn, Dawn and I did as well. It seems that a young Prince Charming has entered her life and she couldn't wait for us to meet this young man who had made a great impression on her. It was like they have known each other forever, and yet had just recently met. You know the feeling, you don't come across that every day, but when you do it feels great.

Well, we have had the pleasure of spending a few hours with Will, and it seems that we too, have known him for a long time. We found that we have much in common - family, faith, and interests. It is uncanny when such things happen but always a treat. We thoroughly enjoyed dinner as the four of us talked and laughed the evening away. It is always interesting to see where our pathways lead and who we come to know along the way.

May God continue to bless you, Will, in all you do!

The Rain

Out of nowhere, the heavens open and the water pours down! Passing an eighteen wheeler becomes a moment of faith, between the water falling down and that which the truck is stirring up, we find ourselves in the middle of a windy, swirling opaque monster threatening to swallow us whole. Unable to see the road, Dawn says, "Good thing we aren't on the bike today."

On the way to Jackie's college, we went through several pockets of rain. Only a couple of them were heavy and all of them were relatively brief. We passed a couple dozen bikes heading northbound, all of them were wearing their rain gear and they seemed just fine. We might as well get used to the idea that we are going to get wet on our Great Adventure.

The reality is that anyone who rides will eventually get wet. When you think about it, that is just a reflection of life. Sometimes it's sunny and sometimes it's not; sometimes it's warm and sometimes it's not; sometimes it's rainy and sometimes it's not.

Dawn and I have experienced the gamut of "weather" in our married life and are so grateful that, through the grace of God, we had both the level of commitment and the strength to honor each other, our marriage, and our Lord. We are at an interesting place in our lives together, somewhere in the middle of our adult life [or so we hope, Lord willing]. We can look back and appreciate all the tremendous blessings, be thankful for the times we stood by each other (even when we didn't feel like it), and view the storms we have been through from a totally different perspective.

We hear from so many couples that have weathered the storms of life that say they are better because of it. Well, we too can attest to that. Through honoring each other, even in the tough times, character and trust has been forged into our marriage. Strength and deep love are the outcome. We have viewed each other as best friends for a very long time and have realized that even as best friends we have minor, and sometimes even major disputes but that doesn't change the respect we have for one another, just how much we actually say at that given time.

So standing in the middle of our adult life together, we have the great blessing of looking forward. We know that sometimes we will find ourselves in the middle of the swirling veils of mist during the downpours of life, but we also know the roadway we are on will remain true and will continue to be solid and trustworthy. In those moments we will simply slow down so we can see enough roadway directly ahead of us, knowing that the destination doesn't have to be is sight at all times to know we are on the right path. And ohhh, when the rain clears there is sa-wwweeeet warm sunshine waiting on the other side!

Trust and honor one another... ride on - it's sa-wwweeeet!

Friday, May 15, 2009

C'mon Dad!

"Can't we put up the pool today? C'mon Dad! Please?!"

"Today Adam? I'm really busy and have a ton of work to do."

"Please, Dad? It won't take very long, will it?"

What a fun day that was. The kids couldn't wait to get the pool up. We had to get sand for a base, pull up the sod and level the spot. That meant putting everything else on the back burner for the day, but ohhhh, was it worth it! We worked together [well, maybe I did the work and they were prodding me on with the familiar, "Are we ready to put it up now?!" statements] all afternoon.

Our dog, Libby, and our neighbor, Missy, even got in on the fun. Three kids and a dog, jumping in and out of the trailer into the sand pile [the same sand pile that I was supposed to be spreading out as a base for the pool] squealing with joy, laughing and goofing around. It warmed my heart then as it does today remembering it.

By the end of the day, we did get the pool up, though it took most of the day to do so. But in the end we had a great time and made some memories that have lasted a lifetime. [it helped that Dawn video taped most of the action like we did for most of the kids lives! Couldn't help it, they were so cool!] That was a long time ago.

Anyway, when Adam came home today and asked to go for a ride - which I had been thinking about all day, and it was a beautiful sun shiny day - I unfortunately had to decline. After all, I had to get a load of wood in. Priorities are priorities, sorry. Come on Adam, there are only 3 weeks left before we leave on the Great Adventure and we have to bring in at least four more truck loads to be sure we can get through next winter! [In case you didn't already guess, we heat with wood]

"Dad, it's a great day for a ride!"

Of course, it wasn't too hard for him to talk me into it - he gave a few reasons why I should go and after a little prodding, I once again caved. The wood could wait. A short ride would still leave plenty of time to get a load of wood in and as Adam so aptly pointed out, Mom would be home from work when we get back so she could go with me and help with the wood. Sounded like a game plan that could work! After all, didn't I just write yesterday about taking some time to R&R once in a while?

The ride was a nice break. Our bikes rolling down the back roads, my son and I taking in the fresh air and open road - ohhh, what a nice break! We were gone for a little under an hour, but it was very refreshing. Thanks, Adam, great idea!

Tomorrow we go to pick Jackie up from college and I am really looking forward to seeing her again. We will pack her dorm room tomorrow and come home on Sunday (after she sings for graduation). So, Sunday the family will finally be back together again and that will be very nice. Hmmm... I wonder what the kids will get me into next... Sorry kids, no more pools!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Life Can Be Crazy!

Run here! Hurry up and get over there! This kid needs to be at this game and the other needs to be at practice! Hurry, would you? Don't eat so fast, your gonna get sick! Would you just slow down and listen to me? Come on, we're gonna be late!

Life is crazy sometimes. It seems that each generation gets crazier than the last and there is no real end in sight for us. I remember the big push for computers was that they would make our lives so much better by being so efficient, our work weeks would drop to 30 hours per week and we would still accomplish more! Haha!

Well, in some ways that is true. We can accomplish far more with them than we could without - no doubt, but is it better?

Our cars run much better than those of our grandparents and the roads are way better, too. That means we can do more running, I suppose. That's right, run, run, run, run, run!

Wow, can life ever get crazy!

But I have found that it is critically important to take some time to slow down, relax and recharge and I find myself doing just that.

It is a beautiful afternoon. Before running over to the school and direct my band kids through a concert (which should be a great evening that I will certainly enjoy), a peaceful moment has gotten hold of me. Sitting here on the deck, the warm spring breeze, the birds and the water fountain, ahhh.

Okay, so this isn't a crazy posting like some of my others. Just a moment to realize how important it is to take some time to rest and enjoy the beauty of all that surrounds us. The Lord has promised, "Come to me all you who are weary and heavily burdened, and I will give you rest." I find refuge in Him often.

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One Step Closer

The directions always make it look so simple, right? Slip the clamp onto the left side of the helmet and place the earpieces into the pocket of the helmet. Locate the best place for the microphone. Some minor adaptations may be required in order to... blah, blah, blah!

Real men don't need directions. Right? Wow, has that ever gotten me in trouble before!

In this case, I did read the instructions for our new headsets before installing them in our new helmets. Nothing new in the instructions though. Just a lot of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

I must say, it is a bit disconcerting to cut into brand new helmets in order to make the new headsets fit, but after a very careful two hours, both helmets were fit with their respective electronics. What a difference the new helmets make - they actually have enough room next to the ears so the earpieces don't even touch the ear which definitely equals comfort and ohhhh, do they sound good!

Dawn and I really like talking to each other while riding [unlike some other riders we've talked to]. Can you believe that some guys actually get louder pipes and will never get intercoms - they don't want to talk to their lady at all! Ah, but they don't know what they are missing! Dawn and I have the best conversations while on the bike. We don't know what it is about a bike; maybe the fresh air, maybe that we are sitting so close, maybe that there is so much to see and you feel closer to your surroundings.

Regardless of why it happens, we wouldn't ride without an intercom now, so it was well worth the investment of both time and hard cold cash.

So, now we are one step closer to the Great Adventure! 24 days and counting!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

25 And Counting

Unbelievable! Just 25 days 'til we hit the road on the Great Adventure! It is really hard to imagine that it is almost here. All of our planning is soon to come to fruition, and yet there is so much yet to accomplish. Tonight, with the help of our neighbor Dave, we put two truck loads of mulch down in the flower beds. Two more and we should be done with that job.

But I look at all the other projects that still need to be done and wonder how I will be able to get it all done in time. And the grass, it isn't helping us out either, not at all - it is growing like crazy! We are thinking about letting it grow for a couple weeks and then bailing it to sell to some farmers! Any buyers out there?

Thinking of all this has me reminiscing about the dreams Dawn and I had when we were 25. It sure seemed like 50 would be way off in the very, very distant future and yet, here we are knocking on its door. It seemed like I would feel really old, but actually, I still feel really young (until I put in a couple chords of wood, then I feel really, really old!), but other than that, I do feel very young - for the most part.

Even when I look in the mirror - still feel really young... no wrinkles or gray hair, no age spots or flaking skin. That is, as long as I don't put my glasses on. As soon as I do that, I see my dad in the mirror staring back at me! Like magic the wrinkles are really obvious. I find that there is no gray hair because there is little hair left to look at! But hey, my dad has already plowed this ground and he is still doing great [he wouldn't complain even if he didn't feel great] so as far as I am concerned, this is a very good place to be!

Thanks, Dad, for showing me how to do this age thing. You have said many times that you don't ever care to grow up - and I'm not gonna lie - you haven't! Haha! But when I grow up, I wanna be just like you! Actually, that is probably one of the reasons why we are going on this Great Adventure - you know, while we still can; before we grow up!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Beast

It had returned. Against all odds, the beast was once again on the prowl and this time it had entered the main encampment! The women and children were afraid for their lives and the old men knew there would be trouble, but the warrior was unshaken.

Knowing the nature of the beast and its very predictable patterns of behavior, the warrior made his plan to rid the tribe of the beast once and for all! With the ladies and children safely well out of reach of the frightful beast, the warrior put his plan of attack into action. In methodical confidence he set his trap and began the waiting game - the wicked beast is definitely a crafty foe and patience was the key to luring it into his snare.

The plan? Simple. Kill the beast!

As a diversion, the warrior takes his lady on a long journey ensuring both her safety and a sense of security to well up within the beast - it can surely sense the mighty warriors presence and would never come near the encampment with him still within its walls. The warrior and his lady take advantage of the journey, enjoying fellowship with tribal members living in faraway lands and they enjoy a fantastic feast of fatted bull and other spoils of the land. The time spent together is sweet, somewhat surreal, especially in light of the snare waiting to spring on the unsuspecting beast!

As the beast enters the encampment, with all of the occupants in safety, he unsuspectingly takes the bait and falls for the mighty warriors trap! In the blink of an eye the vicious beast can only see a brief flash of steel pass over its head. There is absolutely no time to react and the beast knows he has lost the epic battle for survival and then, everything goes black as life passes from his being in one last, slow exhale of breath.

With confidence in the snare he had set before their departure, the warrior returns with his lady, proudly allowing her the honor of finding the beast - that fearful pestilence that simply would not rest until it had struck its fear into the encampment.

As she peeks into the drawer where the trap had been laid, my lady, Dawn found the mouse in the trap, just as I, the mighty warrior, had planned! Ha! That little rascal will not bother my lady again!

I am sorry that I couldn't post a picture of the mouse beast, but I thought that would simply be over the top and too much for the young to view, it might even bring about nightmares. No instead, I will simply sign off with a mothers day wish for all who may read this entry...

Mothers, you are truly a gift from God above. Your depth of love and care for your children is never really understood by them; seldom appreciated for the work that you do and yet, you continue to shower them with blessings. You always want the best for them and fret over their welfare. You worry more about them than anything else in your life because they mean everything to you.

Only a mother can understand what it truly feels like to bring that little life into the bright world filled with promise and hope. But in the flash of a moment, time passes and the mother must let her child leave the safety of her home and fly off into a world which now seems full of danger and trouble. She is only left with a prayer. A very deep heartfelt prayer - and she waits.

The answer she longs for finally comes, "Fear not, for I am with you always. Trust in me." And so, she lets go and watches her precious one fly; she is flooded with emotions untold.

Thank you, mothers, for your continued prayers. Without them, we could never survive!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Packed and Ready - I Think!

Driving across the causeway, which is a 3/4 mile long earthen bridge connecting the Pennsylvania shoreline to the Ohio shoreline on Pymatuning Lake, I am trying to maintain a straight line of travel against crosswinds that are gusting up to 4o mph. The bike is fully loaded with enough gear to take us on the Great Adventure and she is having no problem carrying us down the road. As the gusts peak, I notice that the bike is only slightly more top heavy than normal but definitely manageable. In fact, there seems to be little difference in the way she handles empty or loaded. The front end seems a little lighter, the required lean is a bit diminished and I am more attentive when coming to a stop, but other than that, it seems to be business as usual.

We are only running about 10psi in the rear shocks and will need to take them up to about 30psi for the big trip but will have to do little else! Well, add gas once in a while and perhaps, take more pictures, but truly, other than that we found that we have enough luggage space and can easily get all of our necessary gear onto the bike to make the trip!

Over the past week, Dawn was getting a bit concerned, so I thought it was time to load everything on and take the bike for a test ride. Every inch of saddle bag and trunk was taken although we found that the top bags (we have two of them) had a little more room for "stuff." You know what I am talking about, we all take stuff with us on trips finding every last nook or cranny that you can stuff stuff into! We once again, proved that we are very good at stuffing stuff!

Oh, I'm not gonna lie, it felt good to finally get all packed up and on the road. I had to resist the temptation to continue west - just to see what we might see, you know?! After all, that was the direction we were headed.

We did come back though (me kicking and screaming all the way!) and stopped in to see Steve and Rita. We wanted to pick their brains to see if we might have overlooked anything in our pack job. As it turns out, Steve was gone but Rita was more than happy to accommodate our request [which works out well since she really is the brains... well, I should just stop right there - haha]. She gave her expert approval of all that we had on board and said she was impressed with what we could fit on the bike - she even seemed to mean it!

Okay, so we got back home and unpacked everything and this is all the stuff we had on the bike! It doesn't seem as impressive in the picture, but I was really surprised at how much there really was!
[Now if only I could find a way to load up the bed, we could really travel in comfort!]

Friday, May 8, 2009


Dogs are pretty special creatures, aren't they? This is Bear and he drives me crazy sometimes, but he is a good dog. He sheds all the time, has a licking problem and thinks he is a cat [you know, the way they walk all around and between your legs!]. It is fun to tease about finding him another home, but truth be told, I would never trade him off or give him away.

The e-mail about how special dogs are is going around again. You know the one - it says that we should be more like them because dogs do things like: When loved ones come home, always run to greet them; allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy; take naps; stretch before rising; and run, romp, and play daily. There were many more, but you get the idea.

Now, I don't know about you, but I'm glad that I was not born into the canine world, thank you very much. Humankind can greet each other with a hug, kiss or a simple handshake - I just don't think that I would be up to wagging my tail and sniffing your butt the next time I see you!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hey Mom, Just For You

As I was out washing my bike today, I just couldn't help remembering my old Suzuki 125. I spent hours that day polishing it from front to back - was I ever excited. Chrome front and rear fenders, chrome luggage rack, chrome headlight housing, chrome heat shield on the exhaust... chrome, chrome, chrome! This little thing couldn't keep up with the bigger bikes I rode with but she sure did try hard!

Mom came home one day and asked if I would like to look at a motorcycle. Like, what, are you kidding me?! Would I even consider turning that one down? Not on your life! I had to ask what she was talking about, pinch myself really hard and get over my chin which had fallen onto the floor before getting out the word (yes, singular!), "Why?"

For all the work I had done on the farm that year, this would be my pay! You have got to be kidding me, right?!

We brought that little sweetheart home and I simply could not get over the fact that it was mine - all mine! Oh sure, I had a bike before this one - a little Rupp Scrambler that my brother and I rode into the ground! We bought the Rupp with money we earned putting in hay over a summer for a local farmer. But this, this Suzuki was a real machine! And oh, was she ever a looker. I just couldn't help but polish it up - ahhemmm - well, that one time anyhow.

After that, it wasn't long before it was packed with mud from front to back and the chrome pieces started coming off [I honestly don't know whether they fell off due to rough abuse or I took them off so it would look more like a race bike; either way I really rode it hard!].

Mom, you always have a way of catching me at my best moments and encouraging them. You have had, and continue to have a way of finding the best in me and most everyone you come in contact with - for that I will always be grateful. That first bike had me puffed up like a peacock with pride and it was all because you knew my heart and my desires and always looked for ways to make special things happen!

Well, that was me then and I thought you would like to see me now... not much has really changed after all, has it? Now there is a little less hair and an entire lifetime of other sweet memories sandwiched in between like the best Oreo cookie in the world! I will always praise God for the blessings he has showered me with through you! Thanks!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Way to Go Kiddo!

Hey Jackie, way to go on all of your finals! Now it is out on tour for my princess.

I can't help but remember all those HUGE hugs from my little girl that were so often accompanied by the butterfly kisses, and of course the sincere, "I love you Daddy," as she looked so intently into my eyes with her hands cupping my face. Then just as quickly, we were skipping along, hand in hand, swinging our arms, laughing and giggling, "Hurry up, Daddy, hurry up! The water's perfect!" You just couldn't wait to jump in and you always had to splash me, squealing with joy as I gave an exaggerated shiver and asked, "Hey, are you trying to freeze me or something?!" It thoroughly warmed my heart to see you having so much fun.

Then you would yell, "Come on, Mom! What are you waiting for? Aren't you coming in?"

"That's alright," she would say, "I think I'll sit here on the beach and just watch you guys for a while." Her smile would reveal a true contentment in watching her baby girl simply enjoying life.

As the sun went down, we would gather around the campfire and listen to our girl chatter away about all the exciting things she had experienced during the day. Of course, we could never forget the somemores! My little princess always thought the best somemore was chased down with a couple of the Hershey bars right out of the wrapper!

Many years have come and gone, as have countless campfires and somemores, but there is one thing we will never grow tired of - the joyful chatter of our girl! Jackie, you have a way of jumping into life with a joy and excitement that few others can appreciate and it is thoroughly refreshing for those of us who get to share in it with you.

We love you, kid, and are so very proud of all you have accomplished. One year down, only three to go! Sing well and enjoy the tour along with all that the Lord brings your way - I know He takes great joy in you!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"The Plan"

Alright, alright already! Enough is enough. For those of you who cannot stand the idea of our Great Adventure plans of, "get on the bike and head west till we hit the ocean, turn around and head east until we come somewhere near home" - we have decided to draw a line for you.

This blue line represents nearly 7000 miles of secondary roads. If we average only 200 miles a day, we could complete the loop in 35 days. If we average 300 miles a day, that number drops to 23 days and leaves some time to stop and enjoy some of the locations for a day here and there. So the bottom line is, we will see what the Good Lord wants us to see and the rest will have to wait for another trip!

Now, the reality is that plans change sometimes unexpectedly. At least they do in our lives. I am reminded of this girl in high school who was marching across the football field in band camp so many years ago. Wow, did my plans change! She was a real cutie! I told my friends, "I'm gonna marry her someday!"

A couple weeks later at a football game, hanging out at the top of the stands cheering for the team and getting to know that cutie a bit more - I started picking on her as my family so aptly taught me to do. [My dad's family was masters of picking and joking with each other. Oh, the stories they have told. And so, they passed that same ability on to us kids] So while picking on that cutie in the stands that night - just for fun, mind you - she warned me to cut it out, or else... and she made a little fist to threaten me with. Oooohh, scary!

"Hey, don't wave that thing at me unless you plan to use it," I said, as I pointed at my chin. Little did I know that she had a killer right hook! You know, that was the last time I invited her to hit me cause she didn't even hesitate, didn't even bat an eye at the idea! Yessirree - plans can surely change in the blink of an eye!

So maybe our plans will change because of some unforeseen reason. Maybe we are biting off more than we can handle with this crazy Great Adventure. Who knows? Maybe we will get as far as Zion National Park and have to head back east. Maybe we will get to the ocean, see the coastal redwoods and have to zip back home without getting to see all the other great stuff we have planned. [Maybe there simply will not be enough time left for the Spam Museum, Ellen]

Who knows how far we will get? Honestly, it doesn't really matter to me because I will be spending five weeks with my best friend, the woman I love - yes, the one with a killer right hook! And, oh yes, I did end up marrying that cutie and we have enjoyed life's highways and byways ever since! You can be sure of one thing, I will certainly behave myself cause if I don't, that right hook is always poised and waiting! [haha - just kiddin' dear]

Sunday, May 3, 2009

How About Those Plans

Well, here we are, after church, loading the firewood in the back of the truck, power washing the deck and mowing the grass! Oh, wait a minute, this picture doesn't look like that to me. Hmmm...
Oh yeah, that is because our friends (left to right: Steve, Rita [Greg, Dawn], Karen and Carl)decided to talk us into a two hour ride that only lasted four hours! Of course Steve is a.k.a. Ironbutt and man, he can ride forever without a break. In fact, his short ride can bring tears to the eyes of even the most "calloused cheeks" among us! Alright, I might be exaggerating a bit on that - but not very much! Carl is a.k.a. Gadget because he has all of the latest technological, electrical gadgets one can imagine. Alright, that may be another slight exaggeration.
Karen and Carl just put a new seat on their Kaw this year and it has made all the difference in Karen's ability to ride distances. She could only get about 30 minutes on a ride before needing to call it a day before the new seat. After putting the custom designed saddle on the bike, she is now comfortable with the longer rides like we put in today demonstrating once again, that you must have the right combination of bike and saddle to put in the long rides. Which is exactly why Dawn and I chose to purchase our Yamaha Venture - it simply fits us like a... well... I guess it fits us like a... hmmm... perfect fitting bike [calling it a glove just doesn't seem right, sorry].
Back to our ride today, you know, a person really must be careful of what your friends talk you into, it may involve a great afternoon of fellowship, twisty roads, and perfect weather. We enjoyed all of the above and much more on this ride around northwestern Pennsylvania, and still were able to get home in time for Dawn to mow the grass and me to power wash the deck (well, most of it anyhow).
That was the most fun I have had bringing in wood and doing yard work in a very long time! [Of course, truth be told, I think it was my idea to go for the ride, but at our age, who really knows how things come about?]
Nine more hours logged in preparation of the Great Adventure - YAHOO!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Safety First!

If you did not get a chance to read our last posting, you really need to do that to more fully understand and appreciate this one. So...

Jackie! You simply cannot believe what we found for you! As we were out preparing our butts for the Great Adventure, we came across this jewel! Definitely a safe ride - it seems like it would be safe as a tank! It even has plenty of room to get all of your junk... [I mean], stuff down to college with you. BONUS!

What do you think, kiddo?! I bet we could even get it for a good deal. Do you want us to look into it? Of course, you need to let us know right away because I bet this beauty won't be around for long!

We were able to get about five hours in the saddle today. First, we had to check on the car and make some decisions on how we should proceed. It looks like it will be totalled. The front clip is busted up and pushed back far enough that the doors both catch when you try to open them. The drivers door is bent all up and the window is busted out. The bumper cover is destroyed and the rear end has some damage as well [the car's rear end, not ours - the new saddle is great!]. But, all things considered - Oldsmobile, you make one tough car!

Next, we traveled a couple hours to one of the large motorcycle shops in the area to look at some new gear for the trip. We are pretty cheap though, so we didn't buy anything. Wednesday we will go out and pick up some gear that we have finally decided buy - a couple new helmets and a new headset. I know... BLAH BLAH BLAH... boring! But you should try to get a couple extra bucks out of my wife - no easy task, I can assure you of that!

The good stuff was actually all the secondary roads we traveled and the time spent together. There is a tremendous beauty that surrounds us every day and we cannot ever take that for granted! We tend to take too much for granted - family, friends, blessings, creation - you know, stuff! Most of all, we tend to forget about how special our spouse is and how much they bring to our lives.

Dawn and I cherish our time together and can never get enough of it... all because of that crazy calendar with all the little squares filled with scribbles that equate to meetings, appointments and obligations which seem to be a requirement of the 21st century. You know, I lost my day planner [which my kids have affectionately named, "Your Life, Dad!"] last summer and thought my life was over! (no pun intended, haha) That was the first appointment calendar I have ever lost and I can assure you, it already had the next 12 months planned out. Now that was scary! But, you know, I actually survived the ordeal. Hmmm... is that further evidence that there is life after death? Get it? Life after death? Ahhh... never mind.

Well Jackie, make the time to study for finals - schedule it in if you must. Remember to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight.

By the way, we really like that car! What do you think?

And for all who may be reading this... remember to proceed with caution! The curves can really get you! Take the time to spend with those who are close to you cause you never know...

A Curve In The Road

Did you ever notice how, every once in a while, life throws an unexpected curve at us? You know, you are just driving along and BAM, there it is!

Well, we had one of those experiences yesterday. Dawn and I got home a little after 11:00pm from visiting her parents (who live an hour away from us), just started settling in for the evening - you know, take care of the dog, brush the teeth, and so on - when the phone starts ringing.

Now just a little background on the day. Jackie is out with a friend. Adam is in Pittsburgh at a Red concert (Red is a hot new band with three members who are good friends of ours). Dawn's mother is suffering from degenerating health diseases, and we have three aging grandmothers. So a call after eleven really messes with the mind! Dawn reluctantly answered the phone with so many possibilities running through her mind. I was wondering if Jackie was in trouble, or if Dawn's mother suddenly took a turn for the worse, or maybe it was Adam in trouble.

Dawn began pacing, then headed for the stairs. I could tell by the pace of the conversation that there was trouble - it was Adam... he was okay... "Mom, everyone is okay, but I don't think the car is gonna be drivable anymore."

Now the mind goes into high gear and begins covering all the bases. What happened? How did it happen? How is the other driver? Did you call 911? Etc., etc., etc.!!!!

We find out they are about an hour and a half south of our house on the highway, and yes everyone is okay. The other car is in the median and the police are on the way. "Don't worry, I am on my way. I will be there as soon as I can! Hang tight and call me on the cell if anything changes."

Dawn starts praying and thanking God for, once again, watching over our children and their friends.
I jump in the truck and head down the road. I thank the Lord over and over for keeping them safe - after all when traveling down the road at 11:00pm going 65mph and getting run off the highway by another vehicle into a guiderail [I have a friend who works at PennDOT who emphatically pointed out that they are NOT called guardrails - go figure] anyway - when you hit the guiderail at that point and spin 180 degrees, hit the guiderail again, spin another 180 degrees and end up in the middle of the highway with four people in the car and the other car doing the same... you kind of expect more to happen than a couple of bumps and bruises. Well, literally, there were three bruises - Adam bruised a toe, Patrick and Christine one ear each (from bouncing off of their side windows) and Matt - who happened to be driving planned it just right and ended up without a mark! [I know, Matt, I know - this was certainly unplanned!]

One never plans for something like this, it just happens. It is a curve in the road that we cannot see around. What is just around the bend is out of sight for us. We don't know what is there. We assume the road is clear. We slow to ensure that we can negotiate whatever might be there, but in the end we simply cannot see the whole picture. As it happened, on this curve, Matt was rolling along at the speed limit of 65mph. The other driver was upset and traveling in the passing lane - much faster than Matt I might add - when she received a phone call. As she began looking for her cell phone in the dark her attention was drawn away from the road and she failed to negotiate the curve in the road just as she was passing the kids [haha, kids, they are all in their 20's and 30's!]. Matt said it was like a perfect police maneuver, she pushed their front end right into the guiderail and the rest is history!

So beyond the obvious thoughts of safety, what could we possibly be thankful for? Well, for various reasons the kids asked to borrow our car for the trip which proved to be extremely safe - much safer than any of their much smaller cars. Christine had an opportunity to pray with and try to console the other driver - a very different experience than most drivers would have after pushing another vehicle into a guiderail. Another blessing is that we have a couple other cars to rely on while this is straightened out - each of the kids are depending on one vehicle each. Perhaps one of the biggest blessings is that some basic safety practices were reinforced - WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS AND DON'T BE DISTRACTED FROM THE ROAD BY YOUR CELL PHONE!

On the way home, as we all talked about the evening then moved beyond the shock of it all we had opportunity to laugh at Adam and Matt's comedy routine [these guys are really funny when you get them together]. As I was pondering Adam's bruised toe, the memory of playing, "This Piggy Went to Market," with his toes when he was just a tiny little guy and experiencing the joy of his inevitable laugh as the last little piggy went, "weeee, all the way home!" welled up in my heart and I was truly thankful that the memories we will make together will continue.

There will come a day when we will rejoice as we enter into The Kingdom, but this day is not Adam's or the kids. Of course, I couldn't let the moment pass without a small jibe, "Adam, the angels in heaven are rejoicing because you did not end up "going home" tonight to bother them!" Haha... just kiddin' ya Adam, just kiddin'!

Jackie's comment to her brother... "What? You wrecked my car? Thanks a lot Adam!" Of course, she was just having some fun with her brother... or was she?!

Stay tuned Jackie, we may have found something for you!

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Anticipation

There doesn't seem to be a day that goes by without a discussion of the Great Adventure coming up. Yesterday I was talking with a friend and colleague, Ellen, about the trip and she once again insisted that we stop at the Spam Museum in Minnesota. The Spam Museum Ellen? What, are you crazy? What could we possibly see in the Spam Museum that could warrant taking time from spectacular sights and other great destinations like Mt. Hood, Glacier National Park, Olympic National Park, or the coastal Redwoods in California? [Hmmm... I must admit you have stirred my curiosity, but before you get too excited about that you must know that it has only been a slight movement - no major interest has grown there yet]

That is the way things seem to go in this life though, a simple seed is planted, it takes root and the next thing you know it has grown into something that you couldn't foresee. Kind of like our children. They are conceived and we think we have their lives all figured out and then they hit the teenage years and we learn that we really had nothing figured out after all! Well, at least that is the way it seems. We think we see it all from the beginning to the end for them - not intentionally mind you, it just kind of happens. Later in life we find out that, just like us, they have developed their own interests and personalities, friendships and relationships. If you have young children, remember the old proverb, "raise them in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it." After those teenage years, with your continued love, they will come back around.

Dawn and I have two great kids (I know, I know, they are children - some of you think of goats when I say kids, I have been corrected more than once for that - sorry. Of course, sometimes they remind me of... never mind!). Now where was I? Oh yes, our kids, Adam and Jackie. They have grown into a couple of great young adults. We couldn't be more proud of them. In fact we were thinking primarily of them when we set up this blog so they could follow us on the Great Adventure. Jackie enjoys writing and texting and all those social things young adults like to do so we thought she would really enjoy reading our blog. While Adam is into hanging out with friends and gaming after work. So naturally, we thought that Jackie would follow the blog and Adam would probably never look at it.

Like I said before, one never knows. When we asked them if they would be interested in following us on the blog, it was Adam who said he would probably [meaning, maybe once or twice?] check it out and Jackie who said that we didn't need to take the time to do that [translated... ?].

It seems as though everyone has some input for our trip and many would love to be in our saddle. Of course there are many others who think we are more than a little short in the marble department. Five weeks on a motorcycle traveling the highways and byways of America might sound crazy, however, to some very jealous people, it would be like experiencing a slice of heaven!

As I was talking to Ellen about our "bike" trip to the west coast, Michelle asked rather incredulously, "How are you getting back?" We are riding back of course, how else? She was amazed that we could ride so far... of course, she didn't realize that our bike had an engine - a ride to the west coast and back on a bicycle, now that would really be newsworthy! What do you think, Dawn - sound like next year's trip?