There doesn't seem to be a day that goes by without a discussion of the Great Adventure coming up. Yesterday I was talking with a friend and colleague, Ellen, about the trip and she once again insisted that we stop at the Spam Museum in Minnesota. The Spam Museum Ellen? What, are you crazy? What could we possibly see in the Spam Museum that could warrant taking time from spectacular sights and other great destinations like Mt. Hood, Glacier National Park, Olympic National Park, or the coastal Redwoods in California? [Hmmm... I must admit you have stirred my curiosity, but before you get too excited about that you must know that it has only been a slight movement - no major interest has grown there yet]
That is the way things seem to go in this life though, a simple seed is planted, it takes root and the next thing you know it has grown into something that you couldn't foresee. Kind of like our children. They are conceived and we think we have their lives all figured out and then they hit the teenage years and we learn that we really had nothing figured out after all! Well, at least that is the way it seems. We think we see it all from the beginning to the end for them - not intentionally mind you, it just kind of happens. Later in life we find out that, just like us, they have developed their own interests and personalities, friendships and relationships. If you have young children, remember the old proverb, "raise them in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it." After those teenage years, with your continued love, they will come back around.
Dawn and I have two great kids (I know, I know, they are children - some of you think of goats when I say kids, I have been corrected more than once for that - sorry. Of course, sometimes they remind me of... never mind!). Now where was I? Oh yes, our kids, Adam and Jackie. They have grown into a couple of great young adults. We couldn't be more proud of them. In fact we were thinking primarily of them when we set up this blog so they could follow us on the Great Adventure. Jackie enjoys writing and texting and all those social things young adults like to do so we thought she would really enjoy reading our blog. While Adam is into hanging out with friends and gaming after work. So naturally, we thought that Jackie would follow the blog and Adam would probably never look at it.
Like I said before, one never knows. When we asked them if they would be interested in following us on the blog, it was Adam who said he would probably [meaning, maybe once or twice?] check it out and Jackie who said that we didn't need to take the time to do that [translated... ?].
It seems as though everyone has some input for our trip and many would love to be in our saddle. Of course there are many others who think we are more than a little short in the marble department. Five weeks on a motorcycle traveling the highways and byways of America might sound crazy, however, to some very jealous people, it would be like experiencing a slice of heaven!
As I was talking to Ellen about our "bike" trip to the west coast, Michelle asked rather incredulously, "How are you getting back?" We are riding back of course, how else? She was amazed that we could ride so far... of course, she didn't realize that our bike had an engine - a ride to the west coast and back on a bicycle, now that would really be newsworthy! What do you think, Dawn - sound like next year's trip?
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