We enjoyed a fantastic visit with Uncle Dan, Aunt Linda and Mike. Steve stopped in for a while too and introduced us to his new girlfriend but couldn't stay long. (Maybe at the reunion?) You know, we did what all old people do... we sat around and talked! We caught up on all that is going on with the family members we don't get to see very often and talked about all the ailments we've been experiencing, etc. etc etc. All the important stuff you know.
Bill Cosby does a great skit on how you know when you are getting old. He says that you find yourself sitting around talking about who has died. (In an old voice) "You know who died yesterday?" He is hilarious!
Well, here is Dan and Mike after surviving the marathon session of picture and video viewing. I showed them an overview of the raw footage from the trip and tried to speed through it by skipping some of the stuff. We only looked at it for, oh... what was it? Like 7 or 8 hours? Naw, nothing like that - honest! They were totally spent by the time we were done but that did not deter me from getting all the way through it! I don't understand it. 3,498 pics and vids, that's all. Whimps.

Of course, we were just goofing around with this picture, honest. In case you don't know by now, I sometimes exaggerate a bit. (just in fun, you see) Dan said that I had three good pictures in the batch (haha) (I think he was just kidding too, but it's hard to tell sometimes)
On the way home, we decided to take our time and ride along Lake Erie on Rt. 6 between Sandusky and Cleveland, Ohio. After all, vacation isn't over yet! Right? It was well worth the time spent and shows that there is still much to see right in our own "neighborhood" that we have never explored.

Since returning home, life has been crazy! Catching up with family and friends, etc. Trying to sift through all of the pictures has been a bit daunting as well, but I'll manage. I need to trim the 3 hour presentation down to a manageable 30-45 minutes. Ohhh... what to cut?
We had the opportunity to spend the day at Will's family farm yesterday for his brother, Grant's, graduation party and met many of his family members which turned out to be a great time for us! I love to watch the Lord's work unfold in our lives and meet the people that come in and out of our "pathway". Whether they are simply passing through (like many who we met on the Great Adventure), or end up journeying along side us for a while, they enrich our life experiences and become blessings beyond measure. (Let's not talk about the great challenge people right now, we can save that for another day because I haven't met any of those over the past 5 weeks -grin-).
May the Lord richly bless your day. In case you are wondering, I will continue to write in this "vlog" because the Great Adventure continues. Really, my Great Adventure began the moment I was born and will never really end! Hope you have a great day!
I really enjoyed reading about your Great Adventure. You and Dawn certainly had an adventure of a lifetime. It has always been a dream of mine to one day travel across the United States be in by car, motorhome or motorcycle. One day I hope my dream comes true. My husband, Bob, and I are going on a 4-day road trip soon. Obviously, we will not ride anywhere near as many miles as you. What is noteworthy about our upcoming trip, though, is it will be our first long distance ride together where we will ride two up on the motorcycle. On past long distance trips Bob has ridden the motorcyle, and I have driven the car. Once we reach our destination, I will ride the motorcycle with Bob.