When all of the twisting, bending and laughing was over, the table was covered in cows. But take a close look at the cow on the bottom left of the picture - the one that is laying down because it was made pancake style. Hmmm.... someone (not mentioning any names) thought they would cut some corners and rely on paying off the judges. More to come on the outcome later in this posting.
By that time in the evening, we were already very well fed - thanks Susan for another tremendous meal! Wow. Will was right, nobody goes away from a Paxton gathering hungry or wanting for anything. If you do, it is your own fault! Every base was covered from the pulled pork to the great desserts - fantastic!
We were even granted permission to wear the official "Paxton Gear" (of course we had to sign a formal agreement that we would not air any portion of the afternoon without written permission from the league... hahaha)
The long awaited vote finally came from Bill and John that kept everyone on the edge of their seats! It was really funny to hear all of the areas that the Holstein experts pointed out in each of the entries, but in the end they had to name a winner and two "runner-ups." After much deliberation, they placed all of the Holsteins entered. It was nice to see that our entry, Flow-ie, placed and won a price. Wondering which one we made? She is the real pretty one with a bow on her tail that is standing right above "Pancake Girl". [hahahaha just kidding!] (By the way, thanks for the apples, I had a couple tonight and they are delicious!)
The pancake Holstein? Last place. Lesson? It doesn't pay to try to schmooze the judges!
Seriously, thanks to all of the family members that we got to meet today. You have all made us feel like part of the family already!
We have a family reunion on my father's side every year. We used to have a reunion every 5 years on my mother's side of the family. I can't remember the last time we had a maternal family reunion. That side of the family is far flung. It would be great to get together with everyone again. It appears you had a good time at your family reunion.