Friday, December 18, 2009


What a great surprise!  I came home from work yesterday to find Jackie working in the kitchen, making my favorite kind of cake - German Chocolate - MMMmmmmm!  It smelled wonderful!  The best part was that it was totally from scratch and very nicely decorated.  Eat your heart out folks... sorry that I can't send a piece over the internet to you.

When Dawn came home, she and Jackie finished putting a great meal together - my birthday meal - "surf and turf"!  Again, MmMmmmmmm!!!!  It was rather comical though when Dawn turned to me and pointed out the obvious, "steak simply tastes the best when it comes off the grill, so for your birthday you get to go out in the snow and cook part of your birthday meal."  Hahaha.  Good thing it wasn't a blizzard.

Adam came home and joined the party.  We chatted around the table and laughed and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company.  A great birthday, indeed!

Shelly, your generosity was also a great surprise.  You sent an unexpected package to Candy which she received yesterday in the mail.  She was deeply touched that someone would send a package filled with loving thought and care.  She said, "Thanks!  It will be a huge help!"  That was a tremendous blessing.

Unfortunately, Em's numbers are still off and the doctor doesn't know if she will be able to come back home for Christmas.  She is due for another round of chemo treatment that will take five days to complete, but they cannot begin the treatment until her blood work comes back in the acceptable range.  She has been kind of grumpy.  Go figure.

Jim is halfway through his tests and they have found a small glimmer of good news that the tumor doesn't seem to have spread to far into the colon.  He has some further testing next week and we are praying that more good news is in the wings.

Psalm 121
 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
       where does my help come from?

 My help comes from the LORD,
       the Maker of heaven and earth.

 He will not let your foot slip—
       he who watches over you will not slumber;

 indeed, he who watches over Israel
       will neither slumber nor sleep.

 The LORD watches over you—
       the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

 the sun will not harm you by day,
       nor the moon by night.

 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
       he will watch over your life;

 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
       both now and forevermore.


  1. Happy birthday Greg! That German chocolate cake looks delicious. That's one of my favorite cakes too.

    I've been busy baking. This past week I've baked 1 1/2 dozen chocolate chip cookies and 6-7 dozen peanut blossom cookies. Most of the cookies are in the freezer, although I did fill the cookie jar to Bob's delight. I still want to bake at least one other cookie variety and a batch of brownies.

  2. Mmmm... it was delicious!

    Poor Dawn is falling behind her normal baking rounds but many thanks to Jackie picking up some of the slack. She is working on some Hershey kiss peanut butter cookie things... more mmmmm....
