Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Gift

Here it is Dad; your nativity set in my yard!  Thanks, it looks great out there!

Somehow he seemed to think that was the only reason Dawn and I went up to see them yesterday, to get this set from his attic.  But, the truth is that he offered it to me last year and never dug it out of his attic so, since we were there yesterday and Christmas day is quickly approaching, it seemed prudent to get it out and set it up.  Don't you think?  It looks nice at night when it is lit up.  Along with the nativity, I scarfed a set of lighted toy soldiers too!  National Lampoon's Christmas, look out - here I come!  Hahaha!

And how 'bout those Steelers?  They finally shook the monkey off their back and pulled off a win!   Dawn couldn't stand it - the pressure was way too much for her so she spent the last four minutes of the game pacing around the house and only watching the replays (when they were good, that is).

On a far more serious side, though, we heard from Leah today concerning the latest news on Emily.  Her ammonia numbers are very high which is making her very weak, causing all kinds of problems.  They have been trying medications to get the ammonia balance right, but so far have been unsuccessful so the next step is to take a liver biopsy.  Jackie pointed out that the liver and kidneys work in conjunction to keep the ammonia levels in balance - ammonia is actually a necessary part of our overall body functioning but when it gets too high, it becomes toxic to the central nervous system.

We don't even know what to pray for at this time, other than that the Lord would lead the doctors in their findings and treatments and that Emily's liver and kidneys would begin functioning normally so she can regain her strength.

At this time there is a "sitter" in her room around the clock to help keep an eye on her.  Things are very serious for Em - heartbreaking really.  And Candy is both exhausted and frustrated that she cannot do anything to help.

Lord, you are the Great Physician and we come before you asking that you would continue to hold our Emily firmly in your hands.  Please heal her liver and bring her body functions back to normal levels.  We lift her up to you today and fully trust you in everything... even in this frightening situation.  Thank you, oh Lord!


  1. The nativity set does look good sitting on your lawn.

    All you can do in regards to Emily is to ask that God's will be done and to be there for her and the family. I pray that God's will is that Emily will regain her strength.

    I don't know any of you, except through these blog posts. Do know, though, that I feel for what everyone is going through. I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Thanks Linda, very much. We totally agree, not our will but God's be done! The Lord said, "I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you."
