Monday, November 30, 2009

The Visit

So much for having some extra time over this Thanksgiving break to keep up with the blog. Once again, we were able to keep most of the weekend packed with adventure! Perhaps the next couple of days can be taken to catch up on all of our stuff, but it is more likely that we will keep adding stuff faster than it can be posted! Of course, the alternative is to write a book, but I doubt that you would be interested in reading that much! So here is but a snip of our weekend...

Emily, our 15 year old niece, has recently experienced a leukemia relapse. Obviously, any prayers you could offer on her behalf would be greatly appreciated! On Friday, we had the opportunity to spend the day with her in Pittsburgh Children's Hospital. Before we arrived, she had a rough morning and spent most of her time in the bathroom with her stomach and digestive tract in disarray (putting it very mildly!). But when we arrived, she was getting her appetite back and feeling much better. Emily asked Dawn to warm up some pasta for her which she then had to eat with a spoon (there was not a fork to be found!) - but it was very entertaining to see her giggling as she chased the food around the platter with the spoon! Then, she had a brilliant idea - in order to get a fork, she ordered this pizza and baked potato!

"You'll see," she said, "I will never be able to eat the pizza, but at least I will have a fork!"

In the 30 minutes it took to get her meal, she figured out how to finish the pasta with the spoon and was still hungry, so she ate her own words along with the pizza! Emily said that it would never stay down through the day, so we prayed that the Lord would calm her stomach.

As you can see, she didn't get a chance to eat the potato - needless to say, Dawn likes baked potatoes!

Then it was time for me to climb in with her for a little rest... after all, the turkey was still working on me from the day before (you know, the tryptophan thing...). Do you think we could get any sleep? No way, Dawn is full of questions you know! [Although, truth be told, I was picking at Emily quite a bit so the lack of rest was my own fault! Don't tell Dawn that I admitted that, okay?]

Emily's stomach started bothering her a bit later in the day, but it calmed down as her sister, Leah, came in. Leah stayed the night with her and has been ultra supportive! Just try to keep them apart - it simply cannot be done. By the way, she was able to keep her food down for the rest of the evening! One of those small answered prayers.

After we left, Leah shaved Emily's head. After the treatments, her hair was falling out and with each stroke of her hair, gobs would come out. In fact, she couldn't even brush it because it was all matted on the back of her head like a beehive doo! She was able to laugh about it though and looked forward to having it off. She told us, "it's so itchy, it is driving me crazy!"

Emily's next big round of chemo treatments came on Sunday. As part of that treatment, there are three shots that must be administered in her legs. She told us that she prefers getting them all at once, so three nurses came in and counted off, "One, two, three!", and stuck them into her legs at the same time! She insisted that is the way she prefers it, "much better than getting three different shots, isn't it? That way it is all done at one time."

She is a tough kid, no doubt. Obviously, we are praying that her treatments and upcoming bone marrow transplant go well and are 100% successful. Will you join us?

Friday, November 27, 2009

What a great day of thanksgiving! Surrounded by family and friends, all coming together to laugh and catch up on all that is going on in life. Here, Leah is teaching Kaylee a little attitude - cute attitude that is! Leah has been spending as much time as she can with Emily since her relapse - it has been tough on both of them. [Leah's sister, Emily, is in Pittsburgh Children's Hospital now undergoing more treatment for leukemia - please keep them in your prayers]

Adam and I grabbed Santa while he was on break and away from the children for a photo. He wanted to get back in his red garb, but we assured him that times have changed and everybody is wearing t-shirts these days! Really, how many people wear suits when they are relaxing and just hangin' out? Right?

Don and Kim came in from Kansas as they have been doing for many years and, in fact, had the meal started for us. When we got there, we all dove into the kitchen work to prepare the feast. Of course, Don and I had to have our political discussion first. Don't worry though, we are on the same page so there was no bloodshed! [grin]

In case you didn't realize it, I am not a believer in the statement, "Never talk about two things - religion or politics!" Quite the contrary - we need to talk about those things because it is through the interaction of differing perspectives that we grow to a deeper understanding of each other! It seems that the most important thing to remember is that you won't ever agree on all points, and that is okay. But definitely talk about them, we desperately need those discussions in our society!

After we finished cleaning up (a job we all chipped in to do - many hands make light work!), I gathered all the ladies together and made them smile [not that it was a difficult task at all - we smiled and laughed a lot throughout the day (and even shed a few tears)].

After this photo, Leah, Kim and Don left for Pittsburgh to see Emily. Adam, Dawn and I went to my parents house for the rest of the afternoon/evening and let Mom and Dad Naylor recuperate from the days activities - Mom was totally spent! But both of them surely enjoy the company.

God is great and takes all circumstances in the lives of those who trust Him and use them for good. All of the trials and struggles, the joys and blessings, tragedies and sorrow, laughter and tears - all of them He will use for good in our lives if we can only trust in Him. May he richly bless you this season!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

One Day Away

Family is really something special! Can't wait to spend more time with them.
This one seems to be very hungry and ready for some turkey! Gobble, gobble!
Guess who this is...

Here we sit, just one day away from a mini vacation - a five day break will be good for all of us! Not to mention, the Honey-do list has really added up over the past couple of months. It is really hard to say though, what will actually get accomplished (considering the fact we will probably spend most of the time running around visiting family).

But Thanksgiving is a great time for such things - family, friends, and food (all for the glory of God of course!), who could ask for more?

Leave some comments and tell me some of the blessings you are grateful for as you ponder this past year. As for us, not a day goes by that we don't talk about our Great Adventure last summer - that was an incredible vacation that blessed our socks off!

God bless!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Catching Up

We caught Adam catching a few extra Zzzz's on Saturday afternoon. He had his computer on his lap and was talking to Dawn, when all of a sudden, mid-sentence, he started to snore! I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty funny.

In his defense though, the poor guy was out all night helping with the youth group's lock in. He did manage to catch a couple hours of sleep while he was there, and miraculously, didn't even get pranked! You gotta admit, he is one brave guy.

Of course, whatever big brother does, little brother has to copy! Yes, Bear really sleeps like this. In fact, when you pet him, he rolls right over to let you get his belly. Strange dog fits right in with the rest of the strange family! Haha. (No comments necessary, Uncle Dan!)

Now that marching season has come to an end, my life will get back to some semblance of "normal" so it will be fun to be able to post entries more frequently again. It is nice to be able to share a little glimpse now and again of what is happening in our world and enjoy hearing what is going on in yours as well.

We are really looking forward to this week as we celebrate Thanksgiving - after all, we have a great deal to be thankful for! I pray that you too, will find reason to celebrate and give thanks to the Lord above for all that he has given you throughout this past year. Please feel free to reply to this posting with some of those things you are most thankful for this year! May God continue to richly bless you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Unexpected Surprise

This is one of those nasty maple trees that insists on dropping leaves all over my yard - taken about 2 weeks ago

It has been quite a while since my last posting due to a crazy schedule! In fact, we had a yard full of leaves that has been collecting and collecting, then collecting some more. Due to all that is going on though, we haven't been able to pick any of them up.

With the upcoming wedding, we committed to spending last weekend with Jackie to do some shopping for a wedding dress, watch a play at Waynesburg College (WAY TO GO MARY! GREAT JOB!), go to the church they would like to have the ceremony in and close out the weekend with a concert by the touring choir (in which, Jackie had a solo that she just happened to NAIL!).

Well, Jackie found a dress that fit her perfectly, so we bought it on the spot! The play was really well done and very entertaining. The church was very pretty and the touring choir was fantastic! Success!

Of course, when we got home at 11:30pm Sunday night the leaves were still covering our yard. They didn't get up and walk themselves into the woods or anything! Yes, I'm not gonna lie, I was stressing over it. If they stay there, they eventually get blown into the neighbors yard and that is NOT good! I told Dawn, "If they will just stay put till Wednesday and Thursday I could actually take care of them - a two day opening in the schedule that will be perfect for gathering leaves! And wow, go figure, the weather is going to be perfect, too!"

So what was the unexpected surprise, you ask? When I came home at 4:30, Adam had already started the job and Matt was here helping, too! In what was left of our sunlight, we were able to get about half of the leaves hauled away! Let me tell you, a half acre of yard under cherry and maple trees can gather some serious piles of leaves!

Thanks Adam and Matt for the help, it was a truly unexpected and an awesome surprise!