Saturday, January 23, 2010

Call Me Crazy

If only we could shed the extra winter weight so easily.  Three weeks ago we were hammered with more than 24" of snow over a three day period.  Dawn's snowman was jolly and plump back then.  But in just three weeks, much of the snow has melted away which has trimmed the snowman down to nothing but skin and bones [if they had such things...  come on, work with me here].  He has lost most of his hair, his eyes aren't working any more, the well defined body now sags and perhaps most saddening is the fact that he no longer has that big ol' smile.

Actually, it is kind of like looking in a mirror these days.  Strange how time can take its toll on us and we hardly even notice it is happening.  I still believe that is because our eyes gradually go bad so we don't really see the aging effect until, of course, one day we get glasses and the vision becomes clear once again - that is when I saw my dad looking back at me in my mirror!  (But, honestly, that is fine with me because my dad is a great guy)  

But what about that smile?  Unlike the snowman, it doesn't matter how much time passes, the hardships and challenges of this life will not overcome the joy in my spirit.  My smile and laughter will remain.  Admittedly, they are not as prevalent as they once were - you know, back when I wore my thick rose colored glasses - but there is still much to be grateful and joyful for and I choose to focus on those elements in life.

Enough with the philosophizing.  I have begun my masters work at Cal U toward Principal Administrative Certification.  Many people think I'm crazy for wanting to move into an arena that is so demanding and thankless, one which is constantly changing and where you deal with so many problems, one which carries a great deal of pressure.  Sometimes I think they are right - I must be crazy.

But I know better than that.  It has always been part of my nature to help people.  As a student in high school, I would often stand up for those who couldn't stand up for themselves, I would stand in the gap for those who were being bullied, and I tried to enforce a sense of fairness in my little circle of influence.  Perfect?  No way!  But I tried.

Kind of like the job of a principal.  Bring as much fairness and equality into the educational environment, build a sense of family into the facility so everyone can feel safe to enjoy their stay, and stand in the gap for the staff, students and community.  Pie in the sky?  Absolutely.  But that is how I have lived my life so why change now?  The Lord has called me to serve and so, I serve.

Thanks to all of my friends and colleagues who have been an encouragement to me - and I must say, there have been many.  Crazy?  Probably.  But one part crazy is one of the ingredients that makes me, me.


  1. Good luck to you as you study for the Principal Administrative Certification. How long is the program for this certification?

  2. If all goes as planned, it will end in Dec of 2011. Thanks for the good thoughts!
