As we left our morning worship service, our good friend Tim M. came up to us and said that a group of people were out at our bike waiting for us and that they had been there for quite a while, "If you don't hurry up, they are going to start praying for rain!"

After a great word of prayer by our pastor and many hugs and blessings, a warm good-bye to Jackie and Adam, and saddling up, we were ready to blast off. Some of our friends had pointed out that the sky looked really weird - and it truly did; like a violent, rolling, upside down ocean. Hmmm... might run into rain after all... naw, we will just skirt it as we head for Cleveland. Fifteen minutes later we were rolling up Rt 11 in Ohio in a pretty heavy rain - "Thanks Tim!" The good part was that it only lasted about 5 minutes because I gambled and didn't stop to put on any rain gear or rain covers on our baggage.
Great advice Steve; he suggested running the interstate highways to Kansas to jump out to a good start and get out to where we wanted to start seeing the new stuff. Because of that, we were able to log 385 miles today. Not bad at all! In fact, if we needed to, we could have put in another hour or so but we didn't want to overdo it the first day out the gate. Just more evidence that the right combo of bike, seat and rider makes all the difference - we could never have made this run on our old 84 Goldwing! We were grateful many times over that we were on our new bike.
I ran into a couple guys who were out on a run together, a father and son who said that running together was pretty special. Not many dad's can say they spend that kind of time with their grown son, but of course, I was able to share that joy with him since Adam and I do the same. And yes, it is a real blessing! In fact, the son said it was time to get a touring cruiser because his Harley cruiser (sorry, don't know what model he was running) was nice for short trips around town, but no where near comfortable enough for long trips.
It was at that stop that Dawn got a picture of this thing. Can you guess what it is? Scary! Just plain scary!

So we ran into a little rain, a pretty stout headwind for a while, stiff cross winds at a few stretches, some sunny portions and some overcast with temps in the low to mid 70's. Perfect day I would say! We made it well into the flatlands and are ready to jump into the second leg tomorrow. We may run some secondary roads since we are running ahead of schedule and enjoy some of rural America - you know, look at some more fields growing stuff. If Will was with us, he could tell us what all that stuff is! Maybe the next trip.
The big surprise on the day was our mileage. We only averaged 38 mpg. Many of you know that we are riding an '03 Yamaha Midnight Venture. There is no doubt that we are loaded to the hilt! In fact we are running with a combination weight that well exceeds the manufacturers suggested load and we certainly weren't letting any moss grow under our wheels. Nonetheless, that mileage is nowhere close to what our old Goldwing was able to pull (which was a consistent 45-50 mpg - though that may be an unfair comparison because we never ran it this loaded or this fast for anywhere close to the same distance) Don't worry Mom, I'm being careful and not going overboard! And Mom... the wind didn't even come close to blowing us off the road so you can rest at ease! haha
Forecast for tomorrow: 50% chance of thundershowers - yippeee! Praying that we can skirt those too!
Until tomorrow, TTFN! [Opps! There is a man rule against signing off with that phrase! Sorry guys, it won't happen again. Honest!]
just wanted to let you know that i am reading. :p
ReplyDeleteHey Guys,
ReplyDeleteStill 600+ miles to Kansas... FYI... 70's here all this week, so we are holding off the heat until your trip ventures further south and west. Have a nice ride tomorrow.
Don & Kim
Well here I go again. wrote you a long post and of course it did'nt go thru. So here goes again. Dad says to remind you not to be to confident in the rain. He wants you to know he wishes we could be beside you. He also wants you to know we're praying for you and sends our blessings. We went to Merissa and Cassandra's county coral concert last nite at Cht. Institute. It was awesome as usual. Today I went to 8:30 Mass for Louis as June 7 is the day he pssed on. Then I sold script cards after our 11:00 service. On to Kendall's 1st birthday party. she's walking now so we got the chance to see this newest adventure.Kim and Dick are enjoying this new chapter in they're life. She is sooooo beautiful.Then off to Baccalaureate for Jonathon. It's always a wonderful service. Love you much and praying gods blessings on your fantastic journey.
ReplyDeleteThanks Adam! You beat Jackie to the "punch" this time - one for Adam (grin)
ReplyDeleteDon - thanks for the update! Looking forward to seeing you guys! Last time we were there it was in the 90's, so 70's sounds like heaven.
Mom & Dad - Are you guys ever going to slow down? Haha - I know better than that! Wishing you could be here with us too.
hey thats not fair, adam is home and i am away in lancaster you couldnt expect me to see it first!! =)
ReplyDeletemiss you guys be safe and im praying for you and thinking of you lots...and you know its a good thing we have lots of trees for you to get wood haha, i laughed when i watched that part of the video! =)