What a relaxing day! Coffee and danishes in the morning with Kim and Don (and animals, lots of them!) and a lot of catching up on the happenings in our lives. It was really nice just hanging out with them.
After coffee, which we took our time with, we all decided it was time to take care of some morning chores. Kim took Dawn out to introduce her to some of the new family members, Don took care of some of the feeding and watering chores, and I took some time to wash all the road grime off of Black Beauty. Exactly why, I don't know, because it looks like we will be into some more rain tomorrow, but that will be okay (remember the lesson I shared in yesterday's entry). Besides, it doesn't look like too much at all. Time will tell.
Later in the day we ran over to Topeka, the state capitol, and looked around a bit. We saw the State Capitol Building and ate lunch in a cool retro restaurant called Spangles. It was very nutritious - water, fries and ice cream! [Hey, we're on vacation, get off our backs!]
After that we traveled back to Lawrence, Kansas to do some sightseeing there. Wow, are there ever some fantastic homes and buildings around the area. This is one of the homes I dubbed, "The Lawrence White House."
Next it was off to see Laura, Keith and Kaylee. What a treat to see them doing so well and Kaylee... oh, and Kaylee... what a little sweetheart! We had a lot of fun as she gave us a grand tour of the house and showed us how well she can now ride her bike - with training wheels of course! Laura and Keith are both doing very well where they are working and enjoying their time together raising Kaylee.
Next it was time to meet up with Kenneth at the Free State Brewing Co. in Lawrence. Kenneth caught us up on all of his latest musical endeavors as we celebrated Adam's 24th birthday [sorry Adam for missing this day with you - but we did celebrate in your honor!]. The food was absolutely fantastic which complimented the fellowship we were enjoying, and our waiter, Shannon, was simply the icing on the cake! [no pun intended] Great job, Shannon! I hope we didn't make your evening too difficult! By the way, tell your boss we said that you deserve a raise!
As we left the restaurant, Kim insisted that I film the Captain's Log somewhere close by. So, I decided that the street corner would be very appropriate. I can hear my kids now, "Dad, you are really embarrassing me! Would you please stop?!" What a great day!
And Jackie, I know you had a rough day, but don't take it too hard, even day's like today will pass.
Know that you guys are loved very much! Miss you. Take care and behave.
Tomorrow we continue the Great Adventure as we journey further west. Ellen, we might actually get to see that giant ball of twine after all along with a place called, "The Garden Of Eden" then it is south west to Dodge City [hope we don't run into any of those old gunslingers!]
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