Captain's Log - Day 11 - Part 1
Captain's Log - Day 11 - Part 2
As we left Torrey, Utah, we were promised an incredible ride that would surpass anything we had seen to this point. We aren't sure about that, but it was pretty amazing. Dawn and I both thought that the ride over day 10 was better, but it was pretty darn close! Escalante National Park was really cool. Especially the ride along the ridge!
Escalante National Monument - Rt 12, Utah
There were flowers all over the place. Nothing big and certainly not covering any serious areas, but they were scattered around adding little splashes of color here and there. These little ones were very interesting and came in a couple different colors.
Once again, we ran into rain. Only this time it stung a bit more than usual as it hit me in the face and swirled behind my windshield in a strange way. Indeed, it ended up being hail! June 17th in southern Utah! Go figure! It hailed twice that day and rained for about an hour - some moderate and some light - but our blimp costumes performed perfectly! As we were walking around we even heard some thunder rolling around in the distance as we saw some of the clouds roll by just dumping rain on the surrounding areas! Glad those ones missed us!

You aren't supposed to go off of the trails but there are pathways all over the place that take you out to the edge of the cliffs. I had already filmed the second part of the Captain's Log when we saw this sign within 30 feet of the film sight. Opps!
There is a natural bridge in Bryce Canyon. It happened to be raining when we stopped here and there were several people who talked to us about riding the bike in such weather, but Dawn told me later that we were better off than they were because we had on our full rain gear and all our leathers so we were plenty warm. The other people were wearing t-shirts and light jackets scurrying in and out of their vehicles trying not to get wet. Worked out pretty well for us I would say!
As the rain passed, the sun started shining through on many of the outlying mountains and crevices. The clouds were stunning as well. It was neat to see how the different shading of the sunlight effected the overall look of the hoodoos (That is what they call the pillars of rock).

There was a person standing on the rock in front of the pine tree. Can you see him? I thought this put the expanse into perspective.

A picture speaks 1000 words, they say.

You might want to turn your volume down for this one as the wind blows pretty hard as we roll down the road!
A Ride on the Ridge! Escalante National Monument - Rt 12, Utah
The pass through Boulder, Utah was pretty cold. Yes, it was June 17, and yes, we were wearing all of our leathers for warmth. If we had gone the northern route first as we had originally planned, we were going to mail our leathers home for the southern loop. Good thing we didn't do that because we would have froze yesterday!
Dawn's cold! Boulder Pass, Utah c. 8900' Rt 12
Now we got into Bryce Canyon National Park. We hiked around this area, which was located about a mile outside of the park entrance. It was beautiful and we knew we were in trouble. If the park was anything like this we would never make it through with enough time to see Zion too! We got to see "The Mossy Cave" and a nice little waterfall in this area, but it was just a small picture of what was in store for us inside of the park!

You aren't supposed to go off of the trails but there are pathways all over the place that take you out to the edge of the cliffs. I had already filmed the second part of the Captain's Log when we saw this sign within 30 feet of the film sight. Opps!

There was a person standing on the rock in front of the pine tree. Can you see him? I thought this put the expanse into perspective.

A picture speaks 1000 words, they say.

We saw two mule deer today along the side of the road. One was a buck in velvet, the other a doe. While rolling along, we also had three turkey's stroll out in front of us. As I let off the gas and hit the brakes, they casually turned and strolled to the side of the road and watched us pass. Crazy! If they can see so well, why didn't they see me? Dumb birds!
Tomorrow it is off to Zion. I can't believe that we thought we would actually get to see both parks in one day! It seemed like we would just drive through and get an overview of each - NOT! We simply would not have done them justice. So instead, we got in tonight around 9:00pm exhausted. So we will sleep in a bit tomorrow and return to the same hotel in Hurricane, Utah (about 40 miles from the park) after a short day in Zion. Well, that is the game plan anyway, but you know me and pictures...
im very excited you got a picture in your marshmallow suits!!! =) haha