Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Okay. This day was simply unbelievable! The ride was from Farmington, NM to Torrey, Utah and it was some of the best motorcycle roads I have ever riden. The landscape continually changed at every turn and I do believe that Utah has the most diverse landscapes I have ever experienced and these roads simply ampliphied that diversity.

If you are up to a great ride, take Route 261 north (there is portion of this route that is a spectacular 3 mile stretch of well maintained dirt road that twists and turns and climbs steeply in elevation to the top of a bluff! Well worth the dust on the bike, trust me.) then onto Route 95 north through Glenn Canyon National Rec. Area (Wow, twisting and turning through bluffs and valleys of gigantic red rock canyons! Also, stop to see Natural Bridges National Park) finally ending the day on Route 24 west through Capitol Reef National Park (crazy red landscape that twists and turns all over the place with the rock walls rising sky high from the edge of the road!)

In case you couldn't tell, I am psyched! I understand that the ride down Route 12 to Bryce Canyon and Zion is going to surpass the ride today. That seems impossible, but if it does I don't know if I will be able to handle it. This stuff is GREAT! What a testimony to the greatness of our God. We see his handiwork at every turn and in every direction and it is GOOD!

We will post more tomorrow, like the Captain's Log and pictures, but you'll have to wait till tomorrow because the internet here is slower than molasis on a January day!


  1. Greg & Dawn,
    May our Lord continue to "knock your socks off" and grant you His travelling mercies!
    We love you guys!
    In His Light,
    Christine & Matt

  2. Thanks guys! We miss all of you, for sure, but are having a great time nonetheless! God surely is GOOD!
