Flying down the trails along the vineyards and through the woods, thrilled with the rooster tails my bike is throwing, there is a sense of exhilaration from the freedom that this bike offers! Running my bike just as hard as she'll go, it's all I can do just to keep up with Dick and the other guys. But that doesn't seem to matter cause we are out doing guy stuff! You know, getting wet and muddy, pushing each other to the limit, taking risks and testing our skills at every turn!
I remember riding back then and deciding that I would never get one of those posh living room chairs on wheels - you know the big touring bikes that are made for old farts! Hahaha! One must watch what they say because we tend to end up eating those words we speak.
After finishing day two of our Great Adventure, we're really glad we have this old fart's bike. I didn't pay attention to the mileage as we went through the day because we were just enjoying some sightseeing along the way. More on that in a minute, but when we stopped this evening we were stunned to find that we had put in 345 miles today! Both of us were planning to go on for another hour, but I was really hungry... [more on that later too]. So, in two days, we have a grand total of 741 miles under our wheels and we are feeling great. [Of course, Dawn is so excited that she fell asleep before 10pm, but hey, she almost made 10:00, and for her, that is really good!]

As we pulled out this morning we planned on some sightseeing and decided that the Colt's football stadium and the Indianapolis Motor speedway would be first on the list. Dawn talked me into playing football in front of the stadium - like, it was soooo embarrassing! The traffic was driving by looking at us like we were crazy! Then at the speedway, we got to hear [couldn't get inside] an Indy car doing time trials and man, was it fast! It was screaming around that 2.5 mile track like it was little Raceway 7 (a small dirt track in Ohio). Oh, I wanted to drive out there but I couldn't get Dawn to part with the big bucks to let me! [just kiddin' Honey, just kiddin'!]

From there we found our way out of town and pointed toward St. Louis, Mo. The sky looked rather menacing but we seemed to stay under a little seam in the clouds - we kid you not, it looked like the Lord was parting the clouds for us. About an hour later, after I thought we had made it through the weather front, we ran into our first real rainfall of the trip so we pulled into a gas station to fill up and don our rain gear.
The rain gear actually worked out very well. We bought some silver rain gear figuring that it would provide both good protection from the rain and it would increase our visibility. It worked like a charm in both arenas because it blew up to three times its original size when we were running down the road! That's right we looked like two giant silver Pillsbury Dough Boys! That didn't really bother me too much until a guy passed us, smiled and gave us a thumb's up - didn't know quite how to take that [he's either thinking our Great Adventure is awesome or he thought he was part of the filming of a new Pillsbury commercial!]

By the way Will, that is where we found this piece of equipment behind Dawn... Look familiar?

We were actually making pretty good time on Route 40 and decided to stop into a McDonald's for lunch and a potty break. Dawn let me be a big spender - two Southern brewed iced teas and a large order of fries! [Man, she squeaks when she walks!] After all, I got bread for breakfast and two apples with water during a couple of our stops - ooohhhhhh, generous! haha.

Did I mention that cheapskate Dawn wasn't planning to eat supper either! It's like I'm in prison or something! She stuck some popcorn in our bags before we left and that is what she was going to eat for supper - that and some water! I'm tellin' you, I put my foot down right there and told her I was going to eat at least one meal each day [and bread and apples do not count for a meal!] so we went out for some fine cuisine - Denny's! That's right baby, I put my foot down!
Tomorrow it is off to Kansas City and Lawrence, Kansas! Can't wait for all the adventure that is in store for us! I'm tellin' you, God is good!
mom is crazy...i would have MUCH rather posed next to the outhouses as vanna white than posed like you did infront of the football stadium, that would've been embarrassing! lol =)
ReplyDeletelove you guys!
Us, emabarrassed? Haha! Miss ya!
ReplyDeleteJackie it's football and you know me and football. Only thing missing was I didn't see a picture of Payton Manning.....bummer! Love you!
ReplyDeleteWell, getting the outhouse pose would have been nice, but at least we got a photo of a beautiful lady in front of some beatiful iron! Hopefully you will see much much more Henry Ford Power on your travels!