Anyway, back to our day... after breakfast, it was back to the house to get some packing done. Then I had to head over to the school to direct the band during our graduation ceremony while Dawn continued packing [then she got to relax for a little while. Not fair!]. I came home, changed, then we jumped on the bike to run up to Mel's house... you know that 'elephant that I saw fly' yesterday? Well, it didn't fly very far! Mel was having trouble getting the computer to cooperate... go figure! In his defense, we gave him a pretty crummy mouse with the computer that wouldn't double click very well and we all know that in the computer world if you are without a 'double click' ability, you are simply dead in the water[well... computer]!
So we got up to Mel's house [about an hour and ten minute drive], identified the problem as the mouse [basically, after he told me it wouldn't do anything, I sat down and double clicked the icon and the web page sprang to life... he asked in amazement, "How did you do that?"], then ran to K-Mart to get a new one [along with some last minute odds and ends for the trip], zipped back to his house and installed it along with AVG for a little virus protection and headed for home.
Next we stopped at two graduation parties then returned home where we finished packing [I can swear that we had way more room on our trial run a couple weeks ago and when I shared that with Dawn, she became a bit defensive and said, "I only packed ONE extra shirt! Honest!" Well, we'll see about that when we get to our hotel tomorrow night. If there is more than her allotment, we are finding a post office to send the stowaway clothes home or will give them to a goodwill center. There will be none of that unfair packing advantage for the girl thing on this trip!].
Now I find myself typing.... [hmmm... overstating the obvious again....]
Next it is off to the shower then to bed only to toss and turn all night cause I can't sleep then fall into a very deep sleep 10 minutes before the alarm goes off! Get up for church, worship like there is no tomorrow then BLAST OFF INTO THE GREAT ADVENTURE!!!!!
Oh, that sounds like a wonderful game plan. Just a wake up left to go, baby! Good night all, and God bless!
love you guys. have a wonderful vacation and stay safe.
ReplyDeleteWill do! By the way, what are you doing up so late?! Get some sleep, would you? Luv ya Mom!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I rode to Linesville today to see the carp and ducks at the spillway. As we were leaving Linesville, we noticed Rebecca's Restaurant. We decided to eat lunch there. We are glad that we did. Our lunches were delicious!
ReplyDeleteYour cross-country trip definitely sounds like something that I would like to read. I am following your blog as of today (7/26/09). It looks like I have a month's worth of reading to catch up with your travels though!