Thursday, June 4, 2009


It was too late to get the luggage out last night, and looks like it will be too late again tonight - grrrrrrr. I really wanted to do that... just... well,... just because!

Today was a work day for us at school and due to all the help I had from students over the last couple weeks, I was able to get out of there at a decent time. It was still crazy though and took me about an hour longer than "dismissal" time, but it was one of the earliest departures on the last work day that I have had in my 17 years of teaching. If you are one of my kids that helped so much -THANKS! I really appreciate it.

Many people are wishing us well on the trip and looking forward to hearing all about it. Some are jealous and some still think we're crazy! We ran into a friend last night who recently retired, Arlene W., and when she asked what we were doing for the summer and we told her, she stopped dead in her tracks as her jaw went slack and her eyebrows raised, paused a moment, then wide-eyed, said, "I don't really know if I would call that a vacation."

At my "Bikers Bible Study" tonight, some of the guys still think it is a huge undertaking and that 300 miles a day is going to be too much. Time will tell! In the end, the Lord is in control and will direct our paths. If that means that we will get as far as Farmington, NM and will have seen the giant ball of twine and the geographical center of the U.S. (thanks Ellen!), will have visited Kim and Don, Mark and Margie, and Rick and Kim; then find that we simply don't have the stamina to continue - so be it. [But Mom, don't you dare pray that the Lord will make that come to pass - we really do want to make the full loop to the Pacific!]

You might laugh at that, but my Mom has been known to pray for stuff like that and she seems to have one of those inside lines that He listens too!

Anyway, our study focused on Psalm 23. It is a psalm that focuses on life, and life abundant; not on death as we so often associate it with. It is a psalm of trust in the Good Shepherd who gently leads us along life's pathway with his staff in hand protecting us from evil and ever watching over us. He knows just where to take us to find the rich green pastures and pure, fresh, calm waters that meet every one of our needs. We can be content in Him and there is no need to "want" anything. Of course, our humanness sneaks in and we begin to covet and want and desire - but He truly does meet our every need. He only calls us to do whatever we can - and in whatever we do, work at it with all our heart as if unto the Lord. Then trust and obey.

So the guys were wondering who was going to call them needing picked up from the airport first, Dawn or me. They know that Dawn wants to go on this trip just as much as I do so they are wondering if I will bail before she does. That is quite unlikely, cause the bike is a bit too big for Dawn to handle... [but then again, once she gets it rolling, I bet she could handle it so long as she never had to stop! Hmmmmm. I might be in trouble!]

Another conclusion they came to was that they now plan to travel the first 1000 miles with us so when we pull into the hotel and I step up to the counter, I can point over my shoulder and say, "they are with me - they're my network!" [you know, like the Verizon thing... okay, it was a lot funnier in real life!] Seriously, I am truly blessed to be surrounded by so many great guys whose desire is to serve the Lord by serving others - thanks guys for all you do!

So, the countdown to the Great Adventure continues - TWO days and a wake up! Can't hardly believe it!

Take some time and spend it with the one you love - it is sooooo worth it! And may God bless you, too!